Thursday, November 21, 2013

Hey Xtreme Crew- It's Thanksgiving Week... Here's your Home Work

During Thanksgiving Week,  
I'm out of town, but it's no excuse not to workout.   

If you came this past Tuesday, then you got to sample this, and it's no walk in the park.   

But it works great. 

Do this 3 times during Thanksgiving week.   At least once after Thanksgiving day, but don't go for it after noon on Saturday if your coming to workout with me on Monday morning as you'll need that rest period.

Happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to seeing you all soon!   Routine posted below.


Crazy 8's

8 Moves / 8 Reps Per Move / 8 Rounds

Be sure to Warm-up:  
Shoulder Taps, Jumping Jacks, Run In Place


1-  Wide Push-Ups    (8 Reps)

2- Seated In & Out Crunchs  (8 Reps)

3- Calf-Raise Squats  (8 Reps )

4- Burpee Push-Ups  ( 8 Reps )

5-  Down Dog Crunches  (8 Reps )

6-  X Jumps  (8 Reps )

7-  Military (close) Push-Ups  ( 8 Reps )

8-  Jumping Knee Tucks   ( 8 Reps )

Repeat 8 Times for a Total Body Workout


Wide Push-Ups:  
 Arms about 4-5 inches out from shoulders, legs spread wide, tight core, pelvis tucked and glutes squeezed, flex quads and do push-ups

Seated In & Out:  
Sit on bottom, chest up, shoulders back & down, arms placed right beside bottom,  lift legs and draw them in and out as you squeeze abdominals.  Keep back flat and head/spine neutral.  
 Advanced this move by raising arms beside ears

Calf-Raise Squats:
Assume wide squat stance.   Raise arms up beside ears.  Lower in to squat move, keep back flat and head up in neutral position.  Bring hips down and back in squat- try not to bend forward beyond natural lean.  Go as far down as you can without a bending over forward   Raise up to top of squat and push up on forefront of foot to flex the calf-muscles

Push-Up Burpees:
Perform a 4 count burpee but add in a push-up when you thrust back into plank position.  Be sure to keep hips from dipping down by flexing quads when you thrust back and tucking pelves/squeezing glutes.  Breath through all movements.   Add a small jump when you come back up from thrust.

Down Dog Crunch:
This is the most technical move in this series.   Start of in downward dog position (pike).  Raise Right Leg up behind you and then bring underneath you, float forward into a plank and crunch knee to meet forehead, push leg back and up so you are in a leg raised down dog again, float forward and crunch knee to right elbow, reverse leg back again, then float forward while twisting to bring knee to left elbow, finish your move with a knee to forehead again and that's 4 reps with the right leg raised. Do the same movements with your left leg and that will be another 4 reps totaling your count of 8 in this series.

X Jumps:
Start in athletic position (like you're going downhill skiing).  Through-out jumps, keep knees soft, land softly on the forefoot (on your toes so to speak) -  like a cat.   Start the jump up and splay the legs in arms out so that the top of your jump makes your body look like an X and land back with legs together and arms to side (again- soft knees, land like a cat--Do NOT land on your heels).

Military Push-Ups:
Bring arms and hands closer to body.   End of motion looks like chaturanga in Yoga where elbows are tucked in close to body and hands are placed directly under shoulders.   Push-ups from there.

Jumping Knee Tucks:
Hold hands in front of body.  Jump and tuck knees up drawing them up to hands.  Minimimze downward motion of hands and focus more on hip flexors and abdominals crunching knees up to hands during the jump.  Wide stance may make this move easier.   Most importantly, land softly with bent knees and on the forefoot as if you're jumping like a cat.  Avoid landing on heels. Keep head up and body tense.


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